On Set Safety Course

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  • This course is open for 12 weeks
  • 15 lesson series
  • 6 hours, 10 minutes of video



As filmmakers, it’s easy to feel we are impervious to injury and even death; that somehow, the protective bubble of both the filmmaking process insulates us from accidents. Unfortunately, in the real world, we know the laws of physics - gravity, electricity, momentum - apply to everyone; as does the unstoppable force of our legal system. Tragically, dozens of filmmakers have been injured or killed on set in recent years, and in virtually every case, these accidents could have been prevented.

In the interest of protecting you from injury and liability, we created an extensive safety training program that mirrors the training administered to working union entertainment-industry professionals in California.

The Film Production Safety Training Course seeks to training crew persons in current safety standards to reduce the risk of accidents, injury, or death on set. The Film Production Safety Training Course adapts the Industry standard California OSHA and Contract Services Safety Pass program for student, independent, non-union, and union crew persons.  This program is modeled after the very same program required of all IATSE crews working on studio and network television shows in California. Improve the safety on set, reduce the risk of accidents, and protect yourself from liability with the Film Production Safety Training Course.

This course includes 14 lessons, which cover:

Safety is an Attitude
This lesson covers individual crew member responsibility towards safety, how human factors contribute to accidents and how they can be prevented. Learn actions on how to create a safe environment on set.

On Set Practices
Learn to conduct safety meetings, proper clothing, drug and alcohol policies, safety bulletins, and how to maintain an organized set. Learn the fundamental principles of creating a working safe environment.

Studio Facilities Safety
Learn how to maintain a safe environment when working on a sound stage - from maintaining fire lanes and working from a height, to working with combustible materials and maintaining a safety protocol.

Location Safety
Learn how to assess the hazards of a location - from environmental to animal hazards. We discuss how to work safely alone, how to safely work on rooftops, around the public, and how to make a location safe for production personnel.

Electrical Safety I
Learn how electricity and circuits work,  about proper grounding and polarity, and how little electricity is needed to electrocute an adult. This lesson reveals how to map the circuits in a location and calculate safe loads, and what happens when power demands exceed the internal wiring of a structure.

Electrical Safety II
Working around high voltage wires can, and has been, deadly. In this lesson, learn proper guidelines for working around high voltage power sources, how to spot faulty equipment and correctly use cords and outlets, including in high-traffic areas. Learn about the risks, and effects of electric shocks, electrocution, electric fires and how to prevent them. In addition to preventative measures, this lesson covers emergency medical procedures in the event of shock or electrocution.

Lighting Equipment Safety
From high-output lights and dimmer boards, to HMIs and working with light stands, this lesson covers the hazards and safe practices of working with lights and electrical equipment.

Vehicle and Roadway Safety
This lesson teaches you proper safety protocol for working around public roadways, when the road is used in the scene, or the crew is shooting near a roadway.  

Shooting in Moving Vehicles
Learn proper safety procedures when shooting driving scenes on a public street - from the poor-man’s process to process trailers, this lesson covers every aspect of what to do and what not to do.

Grip and Rigging Safety
Learn proper rigging safety techniques - from hanging overhead lights and properly securing a 12x12 in a breeze, to proper knots, securing stands, and ensuring all rigs are safe on set.

Vehicles, Lifts, and Tools
Learn the safety procedures for working with hand power tools, ladder and scaffold safety, the safe operation of truck lift gates and aerial lifts, and how to work around production vehicles.

Weapons and Props
A dangerous and frequent problem on set is the improper use of prop weapons, which can be illegal and deadly.  In this lesson, learn how to properly use weapons (and prop weapons) on camera, from handling procedures, to employing a qualified armorer, to dealing with the public and working with local officials.

Pyrotechnics and Special Effects
This lesson explores the proper and safe procedures for working with squibs, explosives, fire, smoke and fog, and other types of atmospheric effects. Learn the dangers of working with pyrotechnics, the proper permitting process and how to hire an experienced, trained pyrotechnician.

Environmental Safety
Learn how to recognize, prepare for, and work in various environmental situations - from shooting in extreme heat to extreme cold, to working around water and in locations where there may be health hazards.  Learn how to recognize and react to symptoms of heat stroke and frost bite, unstable structures and locations with airborne contaminants.


The lessons